Not For Me
"What a joy and what a lovely gift to receive! I have never regretted entering religious life."

My mother had been given a relic of Mother Foundress which was hanging in her bedroom. At a young age I used to look at it and say, “Mother Foundress, you don’t look too bad. Probably I could become one like you.” The thought of being a nun was often in my prayers. I never spoke about it, because being a nun was not for me; it was for my sister who would spend hours helping the sisters after school. Not me – the minute the school bell rang, I went home.
God works in mysterious ways. My eighth grade teacher, Sister Aline, looked at me one day and said, “One of these days, you will be with us.” Well, that got me thinking! A young girl entering high school does not want to be bothered with the thought of entering the convent, but God’s call was very powerful.
I had never spoken to anyone, not even my parents, about feeling called to religious life. My parents were shocked when I mentioned wanting to enter the convent. My Mom was happy, but it took my Dad three days before he would sign the letter asking for my admission to the Good Shepherd Sisters. He just couldn't see me as a nun, although he could see my other sister as one. My Dad admitted later that he was very happy for me. (Ironically, my sister did enter religious life, but she did not stay.)
I received my admittance to the Good Shepherd Convent on the day of my high school graduation. What a joy and what a lovely gift to receive! I have never regretted entering religious life.
Sister Dorothy